History of Pepsu Townships Development Board at a Glance
The Pepsu Townships Development Board was set up to resettle refugees from Pakistan after the partition of the country and was given the task of resettling people, especially from Bahawalpur State. The first "The Rajpura Development Ordinance 2006" was issued in April 1949 under which the Pepsu Townships Development Board started functioning and later the Pepsu Townships Development Board / Act, 1954 (No. 2 of 1955) came into existence.
The Pepsu Townships Development Board has set up two towns, Rajpura and Tripuri Town, to accommodate the refugees. For which the land of private persons was acquired. To acquire the land, the Government of India had given the loan of Rs. 1,60,45,850 / - to the Pepsu Townships Development Board in periodic installments which has been returned to the Government of India. The following lands were acquired at Rajpura and Tripuri (Patiala).
Rajpura : 1165 Acre 1 Kanal 14 Marle
Tripari (Patiala) : 109 Acre 17 Marle
Refugees were resettled from time to time as per the instructions of the Government of India. Disposal of Assets is done as "Compensation Bridge" Assets as directed by the Government of India Under the Displaced Persons (Compensation and Rehabilitation) Act, 1954, and the Displaced Persons (Compulsion and Rehabilitation) Rules, 1955, the Assistant Administrator exercised the powers of the Managing Officer. In 1979, under the Pepsu Townships Development Board Act, rules were made for running the office. All debt of the Government of India has been repaid by Pepsu Townships Development Board and in this regard, the Government of India has given an explanation on 12-05-87 that these properties are no longer part of the Compensation Bridge and the State Government can sell these properties as it pleases.
The Board is constituted by the State Government under Section 4 (1) of the Pepsu Townships Development Board Act, 1954. The main function of the Board was earlier to resettle people exclusively from Bahawalpur State (West Pakistan). The Board then sold its properties through open auction and allotted plots as per the instructions of the government to resettle the people affected by the riots. The Pepsu Townships Development Board Disposal of Property Rules 2003 has been constituted by the State Government for the disposal of the remaining land. At present the following land is outstanding with the Board: -
Rajpura : 64 Acre 00 Kanal 07 Marle
Tripari (Patiala) : 01 Kanal 11 Marle
The remaining lands are being sold/allotted as per these rules. The plots have not been auctioned since 2011 despite efforts due to the recent downturn in the market.
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